My Pahaque Visor XL does a great job with wind and rain - IF - you avoid the Keder rail. I carry two five gallon Jerry cans and fill each with water at the campsite. I secure the visor ropes to the f… (View Post)
This keeps the hot exhaust air coming out of the rear of the AC unit from mixing with the intake air on the sides. Its held in place by the slits cut into the cardboard sides. The only other addition… (View Post)
Here is the 12v switch next to the Jensen unit. View of the opening for the switch (have not sized it yet for square switch): Main lead that powers the Jensen (note wire crimp under thumb). the other… (View Post)
Hey you guys - let's not get buried in the weeds. This mod is cheap, fairly easy to install, and works beyond expectations. It's time for MuttonChops and BrianZ to coordinate on a new mod for the ben… (View Post)
Three of us at T@Bazona this year had RadRovers. While I had problems with my initial assembly, I now enjoy the bike. They are all “heavy” compared to non-electrics, but provide added utility. (View Post)